GPPS and HIPS is a type of plastic material made by the polymerisasi where the results would-shaped grain-grain astigmatism ± 3-4 mm and is also called granulat. Differences in general from both located on the base where the color GPPS transparent as glass while HIPS creamy.
Seen in terms of physical attributes have GPPS hard and a little bit getas where HIPS software is easy and flexible.
In addition, GPPS and HIPS have physical properties and chemical that is more superior than the other materials, including :
- More than lightweight metal, glass and other materials.
- Easy to be processed and printed with the form of goods so that even difficult.
- Relative resistant to chemicals that are acid and basa.
- Not manages the electricity.
- Flash surface of the well.
Application of GPPS and HIPS ;
- Packaging, such as drinking cup, box of food, where bottles and beverage and other cosmetik.
- Office equipment such as ball-point pen, place the tools to write, and others.
- Electronics such as House of the radio/TV, the components inside the refrigerator, a house and the other fan.
- Tools such as household; toples, where cooking spices, hangers, a wall clock, camp lights, and other photo frames.
- Toys children, meuble components.
- Decoration